Cultural Leadership Fellowship Stories

Guatemala 2023

The second program of 2023, taking eight DACA recipient fellows to Guatemala, was a huge success.

The program kicked off in Flores, Petén, where the group got to see the beautiful lake of Petén Itza and walk around the small Isla de Flores. The following day, the group drove to visit Tikal, one of the largest protected archeological sites in the world deep in the northern rainforest. Soon after, we visited Antigua, the colonial capital for over 200 years, and then Lago Atitlan, the most beautiful lake in the world.

We covered a lot of ground in five days and it was well worth it! The beauty and culture of Guatemala was incredibly rich and deep.

The Cultural Leadership Fellows and Scholar Fund staff in Guatemala.
Kicked off in Tikal, one of the largest protected archeological sites in the world. Tikal was the most powerful kingdom in ancient Maya and has numerous pyramids and temples, including over 80% that have not been excavated.
We visited Antigua, Guatemala, the former capital of the country until natural disasters destroyed and destabilized the city. Currently, it is still a city blooming in culture, arts, and history, and has a splendid view of the Volcan de Agua.
Lago Atitlan is considered one of the most beautiful lakes in the world, surrounded by three volcanos and inhabited by many indigenous communities. We traveled across the lake, in a lancha, from one town to another and were immersed in the arts and music that have lived in these communities through generations.

Jose's Experience

Image of Jose in Guatemala

Q: How did you feel about being able to return to your home country?

Jose: Going back to Guatemala for the second time in 16 years felt really nice. I liked being able to stay and spend time in the home I grew up in. Since this was my second time, I felt more comfortable and confident traveling, being in Guatemala, and returning back with Advance Parole.

Q: What was the most memorable experience of the fellowship?

Jose: Being in Tikal was my most memorable experience of the fellowship. Tikal is beautiful, and I enjoyed seeing everyone in the fellowship have a great time while being there. I like being able to see the massive temples, and how our past generations were able to build them hundreds of years ago.

Q: Now that you're back, what impact did the fellowship have on your life?

Jose: I love Guatemala - my culture, the food, everything. But also, now that I am back, it really makes me appreciate my life in the U.S. knowing that if I lived in Guatemala my life wouldn’t be the same. I appreciate the sacrifice my family and I have made to be away from our home country. I am hopeful that through Advance Parole and the support of Scholar Fund, I can continue to visit Guatemala.