Cultural Leadership Fellowship Stories

Asia 2023

On June 19, 2023, fifteen fellows embarked on the first Summer 2023 Cultural Leadership Fellowship to Asia!

Our fellows joined us from across the nation to be a part of this immersive, educational experience.

First, we traveled to Seoul, South Korea where they visited Bukchon Hanok Village and the Demilitarized Zone. We also got to experience the Jogyesa Temple and Gwangjang Market!

After the fellows traveled to Tokyo, Japan where we visited historical and educational sites including Meiji Jingu Shrine and the Tokyo National Museum. A trip to remember!

Fifteen fellows a part of CLF traveled to Asia for an educational experience.

During our trip, we got to learn about history and culture while visiting historical sites.
In Korea, we got the opportunity to visit Bukchon Hanock Village and the Demilitarized Zone. Picutred, our fellows in these locations.
In Tokyo we traveled to many beautiful locations including the Meiji Jingu Shrine.

Denisse and Diego's Experience

Two fellows on their adventures abroad. Denisse on the left and Diego on the right.

Denisse: “As an undocumented person, seeing the world seemed like something that could only be done in theory, limited to what I could see through the eyes of others—through books, through movies, through pictures—but not through my own. Being a part of the Cultural Leadership Fellowship provided an immersive opportunity to explore cultures, history, and languages in ways I had thought were unattainable. Seeing cities and landmarks I thought I’d only ever see through pictures felt surreal. The insight and experiences gained through this chance to travel allowed me to reflect on and reevaluate the limitations I had placed on myself, and helped me understand the world in a new way.”

Diego: "The opportunity to build community with DACA recipients from across the country was special. Learning from each other’s experiences and unique perspectives was extremely insightful. Being exposed to the cultures, traditions, and histories of other communities together equipped us with unique tools and learnings we can utilize as leaders. I am very thankful to Scholar Fund and my cohort for this impactful experience."